Tag: womb-mate

7.5 lb bag of groceries

Ok future womb-mate, it’s just about go time!  I want you to know that, much as I will enjoy our time together, I will have zero problems handing you over to your parents.  You see, I’ve done this before!  Ok, not EXACTLY this, but similar.  When I was 20 I had an unplanned pregnancy.  In the first (and perhaps only) completely unselfish act of my life, I decided that I was in NO way prepared to be a mother, much less a single one, so I had a beautiful baby boy and gave him up to a wonderful couple.  Here’s the big, fat, looming, makes-ALL-the-difference, exception in this situation: from day one, minute one, even before you’re you, you do not belong to me.  In any way.  You’re a 7.5 lb bag of groceries that took a long time to get to its destination.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m going to love you and cherish you and hug you and call you George…wait, not George! But the rest. And when the day is over, I’m going to go home to my boys that look like me and act like me and belong to me.  I’ll miss you hanging around in me, but it won’t be the kind of missing that crushes your entire being into a tiny wad of sensitivity, it’ll be normal.

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