Tag: ultrasound


Today our appointment is to see how Katie’s ovaries are responding to the medication she’s been taking.  For almost a week now, she’s been injecting herself in the abdomen with two shots, twice daily.  I, as proclaimed earlier, have become a master mixing, dosing and timing expert.  But, I do feel bad for Katie after I prepare each morning or evening cocktail because she then has to inject them.  Her belly is a bit bruised from previous shots.  I should also point out that she has been nothing but pleasant to be around considering her body is coursing with excessive hormones and medications.  So……good on ya Kate!  We go to the appointment and Katie gets an ultrasound to determine how many follicles are growing in her ovaries.  Similar to earlier experiences, Katie thinks there is going to be some problem, I know there won’t be one.  And……the ultrasound proves me correct once again (Ahem.) as Katie’s ovaries do indeed have growing follicles.  At this point she has 6-8 follicles which, as my pea brain understands it, means there are potentially 6-8 eggs.  Also, there is still an opportunity for more follicles to develop.  The doctor’s office gives us a break from our scheduled appointment tomorrow, but wants us to come in for our appointment in two days.

Myrtle – That’s a perfect number of eggs.  Just what I thought you would have.  Awesome!

#2 – Good job mom

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