
Last night was a great night at the house.  There were several kid activities going on so there was a bit of running around, but it all went smoothly.  We always enjoy the evenings, but last night was one of those unexplainable nights where everything is just a little bit better…….things get accomplished with seemingly little effort, people are laughing and relaxing……stuff like that.  Just a good night.  Which I really appreciated because Katie had had such a rough night before.  After the kids went to sleep we were going to watch a TV show we had recorded and Katie conked out before the credits.  Good.  She also slept pretty well and woke up this morning feeling 100% better than the day before, which is not to say she felt great, but better.  We went off to our appointment and this morning the doctor performed the ultrasound to check her follicle growth.  The 6-7 from the day before are growing along nicely with one who is especially in the lead.  The doc also told us that we’re on track for an extraction on Monday (in 3 days) which was good to hear because good, bad or otherwise, Katie and I both live and die by THE SCHEDULE.  So, now that we have one we can both relax a bit.  Also, Katie only needs to do shots through tomorrow night and I’m glad for her so she doesn’t need to keep puncturing her abdomen.

After today’s appointment I was pretty emotional for some reason.  I’ve been excited, but this was different and I’m still not 100% sure why.  Up until now I’ve just been trying to help Katie with her shots and make her comfortable however I can (typical guy step-to-step-to-step behavior I suppose), but with the extraction on Monday we’re close to the point where they fertilize the egg and see how things go.  While this process obviously isn’t the typical way to have children, it still involves the merging of your core with someone you love and there is something very pure and special about it, albeit more scientific.  Katie is pretty amazing and I’m a lucky guy to get to share this with her.  So there you go.  [DISCLAIMER – clearly this paragraph will impact my man card street cred status and so be it.  S**t happens]

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