
Hi Katie,

Thanks for another great article this week. I did very well Monday through Saturday and I’ve found that my stomach feels so much better – almost no gas, bloating or pain. I’ve cut out sweets, bread, pasta and rice. I’m still eating quite a bit of fruit but will work on that later.

I had to laugh when you wrote about friends & colleagues trying to sabotage us. My boss yesterday gave me a big fat cookie.

I’m so glad I saw your initial article last week as I feel I might be able to really stick with this.

Have a great week and, again, thank you.



I’m so happy that you have had a good week and are feeling motivated. Please reach out anytime you want or if you are having a weak moment.

It can be a hard journey – especially when others really don’t want to watch you eat healthy! It’s all worth it when you start feeling great.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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